- Consultant & Planning
- Website Development
- QA
- Information Architecture
- Project Management
Mobile, Web
Nuxt.js, Ruby on Rails, Postgresql, Redis
2USmiles is a new at-home clear aligner brand that offers 100% remote treatment plans. It’s the top priority for 2Usmiles to ensure that the customers are eligible and happy with their treatment plan before they offer the aligners. And integration with a financial provider for the customers to have an affordable monthly payment plan will help drive more sales.
- Provide customised customer journey to purchase the product, deliver orders, approve treatment plan and monitor the result of the treatment plan.
- Build a MVP in the shortest time
- Drive more sales with monthly payment plan
- Customised workflow for the customers and management system for administration
Integrated with 3rd parties to
- > Link the digital signature service
- > Pull treatment plan information
- > Trigger to generate shipping information
- > Support monthly payment plan with financial provider
- > Monitor monthly results to achieve lifetime guarantee
- Appealing UX/UI design